Saturday, March 28, 2009

The cool girl

8 x 10, oil on Raymar panel


  1. In this case as with most of your portrait work, the expressions are somewhat posed. I'm not complaining, by the way because I'm a fan. I think you could show human-human or human-pet interaction with more emotion on a larger canvas and it would be an interesting departure. You have the color, the eye, the shading, the proportion, the depth down very well. And pardon me if my suggestion is unwanted.

  2. Oh no I don't mind your suggestion at all and I thank you for that. An artist cannot grow if she can't take criticism. Yes yours is a good idea--to show humans interacts with others or pets, or show them doing something--on a larger canvas. I would like to do that. One thing for me now though is I don't have models to pose for me--I have to work on that. These 8 x 10 portraits I posted are actually works redone from portraits I did before in classes because I want to experiment and try a different, more colorful approach. I guess that's why they lost that "something"(expressions, the sparkle) that you usually get when painting from life. And besides, when you pose people for portraits they do oftentimes look "posed". That's why a teacher of mine said he doesn't do portraits, only "impressions of people."

    Thanks for your suggestion. I need to work on getting models.
