Sunday, March 29, 2009

Annapolis from the Naval Academy

6 x 8, oil on canvas panel

A very cloudy day.


  1. Ex Scientia Tridens - A great view from "Canoe U".

    It would be cool to see how you treat Midshipmen walking on the yard. in front of Bancroft Hall or the Chapel.

    I enjoy your work and it's cool to be a blog follower of yours.

  2. Hi LL, thanks for your comment. Yes I would love to paint the Midshipmen in USNA but unfortunately most part of the academy was off limits to us painters on that day. Thanks for following my blog--now I just have to keep it up!

  3. Your work is very good. I especially like your use of color.

  4. Thanks--I love color. I think painters should explore use of colors, not just make something look realistic.
